Let’s Talk About Solar System Maintenance!!!
It’s quite sad that a lot of people will invest in solar solutions for their homes or businesses, whether small or large systems, and totally neglect maintenance.
Maintenance involves cleaning/clearing of dust, debris from inverter vents, batteries,and solar panels. It also involves ensuring that the terminals of the batteries are well-tightened, and checking panel cable connectors for wear and tear.
Some naysayers may ask. “How can I pay this much money and still need to replace panel connectors or breakers?” These are materials prone to wear and tear, not necessarily the fault of the installer, which cannot be ruled out totally, there are chances that sub-standard products are used, or wrong connections done, etc.
Here are some tips on how to plan for maintenance after you must have had a standard installation done for you.
- Ensure you speak with your installer about a maintenance plan and let him/her advice.
- A little drop in backup time of usage of your system may be sending a big signal to you, contact your installer immediately.
- There are some cleaning you just can do by yourself too. Dust on the body of the inverter can be cleaned with a dry cloth.
- Do not wait until your inverter vents or panel surfaces are blocked with dust and debris.
- Ensure your installer uses the right materials to clean – water to clean the panels with a soft mop, soft painter’s brush to clean inverter vents, soft clothes to clean the inverter, etc.
Lastly, be prepared to invest in necessary replacements for the long-term efficiency of the system
Writen by
Jesufemi Adelokun
Project Engineer (Gennex Technologies.)
What a good read… Very educating..